I’m sincerely touched by all of the kind emails I received after my last post. Today marks the seventh anniversary for Pro Bono Baker (!) and I’m grateful for all of the friends and opportunities this little blog has introduced me to over the years.
I’m still without a camera and expect to be for at least a few more months (student debt is my priority now that I have graduated and, thankfully, found a job). My camera rarely left my side and it’s been an adjustment to be without it. My first impulse when enjoying a well-plated brunch or seeing a beautiful sunset is to reach for it. Luckily, I have a few posts saved up to share with you. These shots are from November and December in Champaign just before I moved.
Part of me still feels like I’ll be heading back to Champaign after winter break. I’m getting settled in Chicago and it has been wonderful to reconnect with old friends, restaurants, and neighborhoods. But, I know I will miss many people and the easy pace of central Illinois when the semester starts again.
It’s hard to believe that seven years have past since I started this blog. I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to share this part of my life with so many of you. I wish you all the very best in the new year!
Pumpkin Pancakes
Adapted from Chef Kenny Shopsin
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Andrea - Happy anniversary from a 5 year (at least) lurker. Thank you for sharing your recipes and your photos over the years. I have loved your site for a long time. Happy new year!
Hannah - Congratulations Gemma! And sorry to hear about what happened in Chicago :( I was hoping Santa would provide you with a new one.
Olivia - Congrats on the anniversary from a long time lurker! Happy New Year!
heather - It’s not hard to believe you’ve been going so strong for so long at PBB. Your photography continues to capture my attention, as do your recipes and style of writing. Congrats on finding a job so quickly out of school!
Cheers to many more years (and the return of a camera),
Erin O'Brien - Wow, seven years – CONGRATS! A major accomplishment that I’m glad is not going unrecognized or uncelebrated.
Love, love the cardinal photo; extremely frame-worthy.
Lastly, I am adding this recipe to my Pinterest To-Cook section. I haven’t made pumpkin pancakes from scratch (thanks to boxed pumpkin pancakes from Trader Joe’s) but you convinced me to try this recipe.
Once again, Happy Anniversary!
Clare - Wow seven years – that’s really incredible! Well done you for dedication, and for inspiring the rest of us! Keep up the good work and here’s to another year (at least) of blogging!
yarnydays - Happy New Year. SEVEN YEARS. wow.
And thanks for the deliciousness. And the pancake recipe.
Molly - Congratulations on 7 great years!!!